After the lists of 5 Things that you Should, and 5 Things You Should Not Do While Drunk was posted, readers started submitting their own dos and don'ts. Here are some of them:
- Don't pull out your contacts list and decide to call that friend or relative you haven't spoken to in years. Not matter what you think, this is not the perfect time to say "I love you man" or "we really need to hang out more."
- Do decide to go ahead a rearrange the bottles behind the bar. You can organize them by size, color, or alphabetically. It's a little know fact that bartenders love and appreciate this.
- Do take the opportunity to intrude on other peoples conversations followed by a big sloppy hug while telling them how much you love them.
- Do feel free to critique everyone's choice of drink by telling them how popular said drink is in the "homosexual community."
- Don't shave your pubes
- If the bar you're in does not allow smoking, light up a cigarette and ask for an ashtray.
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